A sustainable device that transforms 500ml of salt water into 45 days of light.
A simple device that can identify over 75% of all plastic used in everyday life.
Hamburg based startup saves marine life by upcycling lost fishing nets.
The Restart Project helps people learn how to repair their broken electronics, and rethink how they consume them in the first place.
An eye-catching awareness campaign to educate the public on the perils of plastic trash in our oceans.
A marketplace that gives new life to old items.
An international platform for documentaries about the environment and sustainability.
Take part in the UCL Plastic Waste Innovation Hub’s citizen science research on compostable plastics.
An innovative and ethical jewellery workshop in Cambodia.
A toy takeback pilot program that will enable families to extend the life of their Mattel toys.
A lot of motivated people do a lot of good things to fight about the plastic waste problem. Lets give them a platform to spread and empower their motivation and inspire you to do good.
Home and garden compostable bags for organic snacks - a success story by "Huober Brezel" and Repaq.
Garden compostable packaging for chocolate bars and protein powder – a success story by The Nu Company and Repaq.
The Repaq salad bags are breathable and keep the goods fresh longer.
Home and garden compostable packaging for vegan fitness food – a success story by "SoulBites" and Repaq.
We believe in Plastic-Free solutions
“If we don’t change the way we produce and use plastic, there will be more plastic than fish in the oceans by the year 2050.”