Home and garden compostable Doypacks for premium vegan products – a success story by "Keimling Naturkost" and Repaq.
Dream team of two forward thinking companies manage to close the loop for home compostable food packaging – a success story by "Biogros" and Repaq.
Home and garden compostable bags for organic snacks - a success story by "Huober Brezel" and Repaq.
Home and garden compostable packaging for sustainable chocolate snacks – a success story by "Nucao" and Repaq.
Home and garden compostable packaging for vegan fitness food – a success story by "SoulBites" and Repaq.
Home and garden compostable snack trays for organic office treats - a success story by "BiteBox" and Repaq.
Home and garden compostable packaging for nutrition bars – a success story by "Active Nutrition" and Repaq.
Home- and garden-compostable packaging for organic products – a success story by "Bode Naturkost" and Repaq.
Home and garden compostable packaging for durum wheat pasta – a success story by "Paecco" and Repaq.
Home and garden compostable packaging for vegan cheese alternatives – a success story by Dr. Mannah’s and rePAQ.
A great product deserves great packaging. It is a pleasure for us to provide a packaging which is nearly as good as the product inside. It is just a small step but a big change at all ! Look at their statement to their new sustainable packaging.
Hitzefrei from Innsbruck packs its popsicles in Repaq. They are the first plastic free popsicles on the market. Congratulations!
The Repaq textile bags protect against UV radiation, are made of renewable raw materials and are 100% garden compostable.
Compostable Doypacks for organic tea blends – a success story by "Tee Im Glas" and Repaq.
We believe in Plastic-Free solutions
“If we don’t change the way we produce and use plastic, there will be more plastic than fish in the oceans by the year 2050.”