Home and garden compostable Doypacks for premium vegan products – a success story by "Keimling Naturkost" and Repaq.
Dream team of two forward thinking companies manage to close the loop for home compostable food packaging – a success story by "Biogros" and Repaq.
Home and garden compostable bags for organic snacks - a success story by "Huober Brezel" and Repaq.
Home and garden compostable packaging for sustainable chocolate snacks – a success story by "Nucao" and Repaq.
Home and garden compostable packaging for vegan fitness food – a success story by "SoulBites" and Repaq.
Home and garden compostable snack trays for organic office treats - a success story by "BiteBox" and Repaq.
Home and garden compostable packaging for nutrition bars – a success story by "Active Nutrition" and Repaq.
Home- and garden-compostable packaging for organic products – a success story by "Bode Naturkost" and Repaq.
Home and garden compostable packaging for durum wheat pasta – a success story by "Paecco" and Repaq.
Home and garden compostable packaging for vegan cheese alternatives – a success story by Dr. Mannah’s and rePAQ.
A great product deserves great packaging. It is a pleasure for us to provide a packaging which is nearly as good as the product inside. It is just a small step but a big change at all ! Look at their statement to their new sustainable packaging.
The new Nordheld tasting boxes contains particularly delicious samples for dogs that are protected by plastic-free, compostable Repaq packaging.
Home compostable doypacks for organic teas – a success story by "Pure Tea" and Repaq.
Biobrush Berlin is using a 100% garden compostable package which meets all industrial standards for mass production and retail.
We believe in Plastic-Free solutions
“If we don’t change the way we produce and use plastic, there will be more plastic than fish in the oceans by the year 2050.”