Operator of this website and responsible for the collection, processing and use of your personal data within the meaning of the Federal Data Protection Act (BDSG) and the Telemedia Act (TMG) is the Superseven GmbH - Stöckenhoop 27 B - 21465 Wentorf b. Hamburg.

We use your data in compliance with the applicable data protection regulations. This privacy policy will inform you of the personal information we collect and store about you. It also provides information about how your data is used and what rights you have with regard to the use of your data.

The responsible party pursuant to Art. 4 (7) EU General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) is Superseven GmbH, Stöckenhoop 27 B, 21465 Wentorf b. Hamburg, Germany.
Contact details of the data protection officer: ...

1. Collection and storage of personal data as well as the nature and purpose of their use

When visiting our website

Every time you visit our website, your browser automatically sends information to the server of our website and temporarily stores it in a so-called log file. The following files are recorded without your intervention and stored until automated deletion:

– the IP address of the requesting computer,
– the date and time of access,
– the name and URL of the retrieved file,
– the website from which the access was made,
– the operating system of your computer and the browser you use,
– the name of your internet access provider.

The collection and processing of this data is for the purpose of facilitating the use of our website (connection establishment), to ensure the system security and stability on a permanent basis, the technical administration of the network infrastructure and the optimization of our Internet offerings and for internal statistical purposes. The IP address is evaluated only in case of attacks on the network infrastructure as well as for statistical purposes, without it being possible to draw any conclusions about yourself.

In addition, we use cookies and Google Analytics when visiting our website. For this, see no. 4 and para. 5 of this Privacy Policy.

2. Disclosure of your data to third parties

We only disclose your personal data if you have expressly consented to a legal obligation to do so or if this is necessary for the enforcement of our rights, in particular for the enforcement of claims arising from a contractual relationship with you.

3. Information, correction, blocking and deletion of your data

You are entitled to a right to information about personal data stored about you and a right to correction of inaccurate data as well as their blocking and deletion. Please send us an e-mail to ... for further questions about the use of your personal data.

4. Cookies

When visiting our website, we use cookies. Cookies help in many ways to make your visit to our website easier, enjoyable and meaningful. Cookies are information files that your web browser automatically saves to your computer’s hard drive when you visit our website.
Cookies neither damage the hard disk of your computer nor are personal data transmitted to us by setting cookies.

We use cookies, for example, to identify you as a user by means of an anonymous identifier, without you having to log in separately. The cookies also allow us to analyze your user behavior when visiting our website in anonymous form.

The use of cookies does not mean that we receive personal information about you. The information stored in the cookies does not allow us to be associated with a specific person or to infer individual visitors to our website.

Most internet browsers accept cookies automatically. However, you can configure your browser so that no cookies are stored on your computer or a note always appears when you receive a new cookie. You can also delete already stored cookies.
Disabling cookies may mean that you cannot use all features of our website.

5. Google Analytics

We use Google Analytics, a web analytics service provided by Google Inc. (“Google”), for the needs-based design and ongoing optimization of our website. In this context, pseudonymised usage profiles are created and cookies (see point 4) are used. The information generated by the cookie about your use of our website such as

– browser type / version;
– used operating system;
– Referrer URL (the previously visited page);
– Host name of the accessing computer (IP address);
– Time of the server request.

are transmitted to a Google server in the US and stored there. Google will use this information for the purpose of evaluating your use of our website, compiling reports on website activity for us, and providing other website and internet related services for the purposes of market research and tailoring our website.

Google will never associate your IP address with other Google data. The IP addresses are also anonymized, so that an assignment is not possible (IP masking).

You can prevent the storage of cookies by setting your browser software accordingly (see section 4); however, we point out that in this case you may not be able to use all the functions of our website to the full extent.

In addition, you may prevent the collection of the cookie-generated and related to your use of our website data (including your IP address) and the processing of this data by Google by downloading and installing a browser add-on.

You can also prevent collection by Google Analytics by clicking on the following link. An opt-out cookie is set, which prevents the future collection of your data when visiting this website: Click here.

More information about Google Analytics can be found here.

6. Data security

We use appropriate technical and organizational security measures to protect your data against accidental or intentional manipulation, partial or total loss, destruction or against unauthorized access by third parties. Our security measures are continuously improved in line with technological developments.

7. Updating and changing this privacy policy

This privacy policy is currently valid and is August 2018.
Due to the further development of our website or due to changed legal or regulatory requirements, it may be necessary to change this privacy policy. The current privacy policy can be accessed here at any time.
