ZERO WASTE: Compostable Cling Wrap.

03. February 2022 | Material, Plastics | via


100% home compostable cling wrap. (Credits:

Auckland-based company Compostic offers home-compostable cling wrap and zip bags derived from a blend of sustainable, renewable plant materials such as corn and potatoes and are certified to decompose in your own home compost within 24 weeks. All Compostic products are printed with soy or water based inks, to remain compost friendly. The perforations means there's no need for nasty plastic or metal cutters, making Compostic wrap a truly zero waste product. It is “certified to the strictest home composting standard available – AS5810 – which goes beyond other tests to ensure products are not toxic to worms and therefore can be placed in your worm farms at home. compostic wrap also adheres to European standard EN 13432, and American standard ASTM D 6400. It is food safe, and tested by Intertek to SGS standards for microwave and freezer safety.” All their products are non-toxic - that means no GMOs and BPA-free.

Introducing: Compostic Home Compostable Cling Wrap