RECYCLING: Startup presents patented plastic deinking technology.

28. December 2018 | Waste | via

Samples provided by Cadel Deinking show (from left to right) fluff, deinked fluff, deinked pellets and film.

An executive at Cadel Deinking recently presented the patented technology at the Association of Plastic Recyclers (APR) Technical Forum, which was held in early March in conjunction with the Plastics Recycling 2017 conference in New Orleans, as stated in an article on

Adriana Pineda Vazquez, who works in business development for Cadel, told the crowd her company has a pilot plant in Alicante, Spain, where it demonstrates the technology. The plant is capable of processing 220 pounds per hour.

The company and technology have their roots in a venture called Olax22, which owns a 50 percent stake in Cadel. Olax22 is a joint effort by the University of Alicante and Gaviplas, a plastics packaging converter. Cadel Deinking was started in 2014 to commercialize the technology. It started launching it to the market in 2015, when the pilot plant was built, Pineda told Plastics Recycling Update. According to Olax22, the water-based deinking technology is patented in more than 20 countries.

“The innovative character of this project lies in the formulation of water-based products, which differs from conventional de-inking solutions formulated with a solvent base,” according to the Olax22 website. “The fact that the whole process is carried out with a water base represents a significant advantage from the economic and environmental point of view.”