IBM researchers have discovered a catalytic chemical process that digests plastics into a substance which can be fed directly back into plastic manufacturing machines in order to make new products.
22. February 2019 | via | Read more
IBM researchers have discovered a catalytic chemical process that digests plastics into a substance which can be fed directly back into plastic manufacturing machines in order to make new products.
22. February 2019 | via | Read more
Citizens are invited to bring their plastic waste to the lab, design their own custom street furniture, and 3D-print it with the help of a robotic arm and on-site recycling facilities.
Citizens are invited to bring their plastic waste to the lab, design their own custom street furniture, and 3D-print it with the help of a robotic arm and on-site recycling facilities.
ELOXEL, the new company created by Bio-on, aims to revolutionize the world of electronics and enables designers to create sustainable products and revolutionary applications.
15. January 2019 | via | Read more
ELOXEL, the new company created by Bio-on, aims to revolutionize the world of electronics and enables designers to create sustainable products and revolutionary applications.
15. January 2019 | via | Read more
WHEYPACK project aims to demonstrate environmental and socio-economic benefits of a biodegradable food packaging material with a lower environmental impact.
WHEYPACK project aims to demonstrate environmental and socio-economic benefits of a biodegradable food packaging material with a lower environmental impact.
Our planet has a plastic problem. Of the billions of tons produced, only a small part, less than 10%, has been recycled. The rest is thrown into dumps. It is burnt, or ends up in the ocean.
Our planet has a plastic problem. Of the billions of tons produced, only a small part, less than 10%, has been recycled. The rest is thrown into dumps. It is burnt, or ends up in the ocean.
Viele weiche PVC-Sorten sind gesundheitsgefährdend. Ein Konsortium der Hamburger und Bielfelder Universitäten sowie der BASF SE sucht deshalb nach biobasierten Alternativen.
17. December 2018 | via | Read more
Viele weiche PVC-Sorten sind gesundheitsgefährdend. Ein Konsortium der Hamburger und Bielfelder Universitäten sowie der BASF SE sucht deshalb nach biobasierten Alternativen.
17. December 2018 | via | Read more
Plastic was maybe the biggest design fail ever. A material that lasts longer than humans live. Humans are investing a lot of effort in finding alternatives. We want to inform you about worldwide activities.
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We believe in Plastic-Free solutions
“If we don’t change the way we produce and use plastic, there will be more plastic than fish in the oceans by the year 2050.”