BPA, PET, HDPE. You’re trying to do the right thing by recycling, following health alerts and shopping wisely, but you’re not fluent in molecular chemistry? Here you go.
BPA, PET, HDPE. You’re trying to do the right thing by recycling, following health alerts and shopping wisely, but you’re not fluent in molecular chemistry? Here you go.
Hansen Packaging has created a range of lightweight jars made from renewable sources such as hemp for the cannabis industry as part of plans to restrict the use of plastics.
11. July 2019 | via Packaging-gateway.com | Read more
Hansen Packaging has created a range of lightweight jars made from renewable sources such as hemp for the cannabis industry as part of plans to restrict the use of plastics.
11. July 2019 | via Packaging-gateway.com | Read more
In the washing machine, abrasion of clothes removes tiny fibres which are too small to be caught by the machine’s filters. This may add up to hundreds of thousands of fibres from a single wash.
08. July 2019 | via Theconversation.com | Read more
In the washing machine, abrasion of clothes removes tiny fibres which are too small to be caught by the machine’s filters. This may add up to hundreds of thousands of fibres from a single wash.
08. July 2019 | via Theconversation.com | Read more
Plastic bags that claim to be biodegradable were still intact and able to carry shopping three years after being exposed to the natural environment, a study has found.
Plastic bags that claim to be biodegradable were still intact and able to carry shopping three years after being exposed to the natural environment, a study has found.
Im Rahmen des Förderprogramms Nachwachsende Rohstoffe des Bundesministeriums für Ernährung und Landwirtschaft (BMEL) wurde das Projekt Bio-Barrierefolien (Biobafol) gestartet.
Im Rahmen des Förderprogramms Nachwachsende Rohstoffe des Bundesministeriums für Ernährung und Landwirtschaft (BMEL) wurde das Projekt Bio-Barrierefolien (Biobafol) gestartet.
In a new position paper, “Recycling Bioplastics,” experts from Fraunhofer UMSICHT took a closer look at the material group of bioplastics and wondered: Are bioplastics compatible with recycling?
27. May 2019 | via Britishplastics.co.uk | Read more
In a new position paper, “Recycling Bioplastics,” experts from Fraunhofer UMSICHT took a closer look at the material group of bioplastics and wondered: Are bioplastics compatible with recycling?
27. May 2019 | via Britishplastics.co.uk | Read more
Spanish manufacturer of hand-made lamps, PET Lamp, creates colorful collections of pendant lamps using indigenous craft techniques from all over the world.
Spanish manufacturer of hand-made lamps, PET Lamp, creates colorful collections of pendant lamps using indigenous craft techniques from all over the world.
Plastic was maybe the biggest design fail ever. A material that lasts longer than humans live. Humans are investing a lot of effort in finding alternatives. We want to inform you about worldwide activities.
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We believe in Plastic-Free solutions
“If we don’t change the way we produce and use plastic, there will be more plastic than fish in the oceans by the year 2050.”