PACKAGING: Eco Thermal Packaging Solution.

03. July 2021 | Material | via Planet Protectr

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Woolpack - a thermal packaging solution made from sheep wool. (Credit:

Australia-based packaging company Planet Protector aims to replace polystyrene by providing  sustainable and eco-friendly, high performing, versatile thermal packaging solutions. With Woolpack they developed a 100% biodegradable, compostable technology, that works for the contents of its boxes and pouches just as it works for a sheep - it keeps warm in winter and cool in summer. The wool liners come compressed to 50% of their original size and can be quickly and easily customised to client’s bespoke cartons or temperature needs. The liners can be reused multiple times plus a customer recycling program option is available too. Woolpack has been proven to keep contents below 5°C for well over 24 hours and between 2°C and 8°C for 72 hours and beyond.

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