THE BRELLI: A 100% Biodegradable Umbrella.

17. October 2019 | Material | via

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The Brelli, a 100% biodegradable umbrella. (Credit:

With the last few weeks of winter finally drawing to a close, we can begin to look forward to the renewal that spring showers and the subsequent greenery promises, states in an article from 2008. What better way to help you get a head start on greening your spring wardrobe then by introducing you to ‘The Brelli’, a 100% biodegradable umbrella? Good riddance to deflated black umbrellas littering city streets or piling up in landfills and neighborhood refuse bins. The Brelli aims to introduce us to a new era of rain gear – one where the life cycle of an umbrella is something that we can finally rely on and also factor into the seasons ahead with a clear, eco-friendly solution.

Stylishly crafted out of sturdy bamboo (a renewable resource) with a printable bioplastic canopy, The Brelli will apparently completely biodegrade in 18 to 24 months (though we would hope that there would be no need to dispose of it!). This artfully constructed umbrella is made in two sizes, a stow away 37″ diameter and a sidewalk parading 52″ diameter. Whether rain or shine, we hope that you will consider The Brelli as a possible way to clear the clouds of confusion when it comes to accessorizing in sustainable style.