INNOVATION: Paperboard cartons with wood-based bioplastic lining.

18. March 2019 | Material | via

More than 40 million of these Arla packages will be shipped to supermarkets. (Credit:

Arla Oy is set to be the first company in Finland to use renewable wood-based bioplastics in gable-top paperboards for milk, yoghurt and cooking products. The tall oil-based raw material used for the cartons was developed by Finnish company UPM, according to an article on

More than 40 million of these Arla packages will be shipped to supermarkets, lined with the bioplastic material which can be recycled along with the cardboard.

The UPM BioVerno naphtha solution used to line the cartons is developed at UPM’s Lappeenranta biorefinery using a tall oil made from the residue of pulp production. The packaging itself was made by Elopak, with the Dow Chemical company also involved in the collaboration. According to UPM, the use of these wood-based bioplastics in Arla’s gable top cartons will reduce the need for fossil-based plastics by 180,000 kg per year, as well as cutting the packaging’s carbon footprint by around a fifth.