Lithuania based honey company Bee Loop has created a bionic zero waste packaging inspired by beehives. The Bee Loop Honey Pot is made of two ingredients: 100% pure Beeswax and an organic linen string, which is used to open the pot by cutting off a layer of beeswax. This system mimics the technique that bees have been using for 130 million years already. Did you know? Worker bees form the wax by eight wax-producing glands in the abdominal segments.
The pot comes in three natural colors, based on the beeswax of the hive the honey comes from. Besides the little hot stamp embossed logo, there is no additional labeling. Hence, the entire product is 100% Organic, Recyclable, Renewable, Edible, Biodegradable, Antifungal, Antiviral, Antiseptic and Antibacterial. Zero waste at its best. You can even send back the empty pot and the beekeeper will return the wax to the hive where the bees will reuse it to build honeycombs again. That's why the beekeeper calls it the Bee Loop.
Behind the Beehive - The Code - Episode 2 - BBC Two