COCOBOARD: A 100% Bio-Based Panel Made From Coconut Husk Fiber.

26. May 2022 | Material | via


Coconut Husks + Bio-Based Adhesive = Cocoboard (Credit:

NaturLoop is a Swiss-based green tech and material science company that engineers biocomposites from agricultural by-products and bio-based adhesives. With Cocoboard they’ve developed an all-natural fiberboard made of coconut husks and natural tannin. The 100% bio-based panel was developed for use as a sustainable alternative to Medium Density Fibreboard (MDF) and is said to have superior mechanical properties to MDF as well. NaturLoop aims to integrate farming communities in the value chain and designed a unique technology to produce Cocoboard on an industrial scale.

NaturLoop in Venture Startup Competition 2021